Myanmar, an agricultural country known for its renowned rice, pulse, and bean production on a global, also specializes in cultivating high-quality fruits and vegetables for export. With a Lanscape that is conducive to the growth of tropical and subtropical crops, Myanmar's mangoes, melons, avocados, and more have gained popularity worldwide. In addition to these well-known products, Myanmar is home to the fascinating Konjac plant.
Traditionally found in forests across the country, villagers would gather Konjac tubers from the wild. They would then slice them up, dry them out, and sell them to traders. However, over the past three decades or so since 1990s, onwards, there has been a significant towards commercial farming of Konjac among villagers. Farmers from Chin State and Mon State were among the pioneers in expanding this agricultural endeavor around 1999/2000. Today we see the thriving presence of over 300 thousand acres of Konjac farms spread across Myanmar's diverse landscapes. This remarkable growth signifies both the economic potential and favorable conditions that make Myanmar an ideal hub for producing top-quality Konjac products.
As we embark on our journey of developing the Myanmar Konjac Product Catalogue, we aim to showcase not only this impressive expansion but also highlight other relevant information about this unique crop such as its cultivation methods, Historical significance, and wide range of applications in various industries food processing, beauty products, and pharmaceuticals.
Growing Area of Konjac in Myanmar
In Myanmar, there ae more than 70 specifies of Konjac and they can be found in Chin State, Kachin State, Saggaing Region, Stan State, Mandalay Region, Magway Region, Ayawaddy Region, Yangon Region, Bago Region, Mon State, Kayin State, Thaninthary Region, Rakhine State. Of which, major commercial farmings are found in Chin State and Mon State.